Do you have an opportunity you would like to discuss?
Please feel free to contact me at brian.oltrogge@gmail.com
Or send me a message through the contact form below!
Thank you very much!
-Brian Oltrogge
"Are you making any more Platform CNC kits?"
No, I don't have any intentions to produce anymore kits at this time...
Instead, I am releasing the production files so that the project can continue to live on. If you decide that you might like to produce more than a single kit for yourself. Please feel free to contact me about licensing the design for production!
"Where are the plans I just bought?"
Please allow 24 hours for me to send the files...
I will get a notification from PayPal that you have purchased a plan set. I will then email you the files ASAP to your PayPal email address. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to have this process automated, but for now, I appreciate your patience!
"Can you send me the free production files for the ____________ project?"
No, please don't ask...
I spend a lot of time developing these projects. Usually, I will try to make the files available on this site for a tiny fee considering the amount of effort and time involved! If there is something you would like to see developed or something you believe to be missing, please let me know!
"Where can I buy a beer keg for my Foundry Project?"
I found my keg on Craigslist...
This is a pretty good source for kegs. You can also contact a distributor and see if they have any damaged kegs they would sell to you. Kegs are usually considered property of the distributor and it is considered theft even if you have made a deposit. BE ABSOLUTELY SURE TO RELEASE ALL PRESSURE FROM THE KEG!
The keg must be stainless steel as aluminum would melt!
"Where can I buy foundry materials?"
I bought mine at a local distributor...
Unfortunately, that supplier has since gone out of business. Unless you happen to live in the same area as me, you'd likely prefer to buy the 55lb bags of refractory from your own local foundry supply. I get my crucibles from Lmine.com and think you should too!
"Where can I get some sweet Grunblau SWAG?"
I have put up a store on TeeSpring so that I can buy some great swag for myself and my friends. Now you can too!!!
"Why don't you make more videos/post more often?"
I like to think it is because I am trying to maintain quality over quantity...
When I started making videos, it was because I was simply sharing information hoping to inspire and entertain. Now Youtubers are hiring production teams and Social Media firms to maximize exposure. My project videos are produced, shot, edited and posted by me. I will continue to produce videos as long as I can and explore options for taking it to the next level!
"If I send you a napkin sketch, can you make it for me?"
You should see my videos as an opportunity to learn how to make it yourself!
There is never a better time than now to learn how to make something yourself! I will try to answer any questions you may have, but most likely I won't actually be able to help you with your project.
"Where are the Foundry Tongs?"
I fully intended to produce these for sale.
When I built these tongs for myself, I had 4 other sets made, fully expecting to make them available. Then I started to get concerned that if someone dropped a crucible full of molten aluminum on their foot, they might blame the tongs, not their own carelessness. I need to get better clarity on this and I will keep the community posted.
"How can I support the channel?"
At some point, I will likely start a Patreon Page, until then this is the best way to support me!